Travel to Whitehorse
Whitehorse (otherwise known as the Wilderness City) has long been a beacon in the far north, from prospectors in the bygone gold rush era to modern-day treasure hunters searching for the northern lights and a jackpot of natural wonder. Raw beauty and grit are in abundance and can be seen and felt on winter’s dogsled ride under the stars or summer’s hike among pristine forests and rivers. Such stories come alive on the streets of Whitehorse, where vibrant murals trace legends (like those of the Kwanlin Dün Peoples) and bonanza tales.
Travel to Whitehorse
Whitehorse (otherwise known as the Wilderness City) has long been a beacon in the far north, from prospectors in the bygone gold rush era to modern-day treasure hunters searching for the northern lights and a jackpot of natural wonder. Raw beauty and grit are in abundance and can be seen and felt on winter’s dogsled ride under the stars or summer’s hike among pristine forests and rivers. Such stories come alive on the streets of Whitehorse, where vibrant murals trace legends (like those of the Kwanlin Dün Peoples) and bonanza tales.
Don’t miss the iconic spots and hidden gems. No matter where you go in the Whitehorse, there are amazing itinerary ideas for you to explore.