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The soul of skiing, defined: Québec

The soul of skiing, defined: Québec

sa • vor /ˈsāvər/ verb From the Old French (naturally), “savourer.” To taste, breathe in, appreciate, especially with heightened awareness, as when savouring the delights of Québécois food and drink.

Author: Joe Cutts

I admire people who have skied Qu?bec'sExternal Link Title Gasp? Peninsula. It's wild and remote, way over on the south shore of the great St. Lawrence River. No lifts, no resorts. Drive for hours, sweat your butt off earning every turn, chow some ramen, and crash in a van.

I hear the Gasp?sie is beautiful, and skiing there sure fits into the Qu?becois spirit of squeezing fun out of every last snowflake. For me, the trip would lack sufficient immersion in QuebecExternal Link Title culture, especially the part I love best. I respect hunger for adventure, but my hunger is for food and in QuebecExternal Link Title, that is a distraction best surrendered to.

Photo: Steve Deschênes

So I admit that there have been some cold QuebecExternal Link Title midwinter days when I was supposed to be broadening my ski horizons but was instead holed up in some warm caf?, chatting with the friendly locals over a cappuccino and tarts, or tucking into a plate of poutine at a slopeside microbrewery, or prowling the centuries-worn cobblestones of Qu?bec CityExternal Link Title's Basse-Ville in search of the next tidy, fragrant fromagerie/boulangerie/p?tisserie/charcuterie. Naughty ski writer: instead of a reporter's notebook crammed with valuable tips and information, I'd return home with a trunkful of exotic comestibles.

You don't go to QuebecExternal Link Title just for the skiing. You go because you're a curious world traveller, a connoisseur of cultures. If you live in Eastern Canada, QuebecExternal Link Title might not be a far-flung travel destination, but just because you get there by car doesn't make it any less exotic. Especially in winter.

For the natives--Les Qu?b?cois--do love their winter. There's mischievous creativity in their zeal for cold-weather fun, much of it warmly lubricated with spirits and stoked with fine food. The world's biggest winter party? They invented that: Qu?bec CityExternal Link Title's zany, week-long celebration, Carnival. They invented Ski-Doos and glissades and crashed ice. Which reminds me: bring skates. There are miles of Zambonied bike paths winding through winter woods and along lakeshores.

Photo: Tremblant

The ski culture has its own style, of course. Les Qu?b?cois love their Rossis and Salomons. They dress well for the slopes. There's even a distinctive ski technique, held over from the days of week-long lessons in the Laurentians--fluid, feet close, arms free to express themselves (you know it when you see it at Stowe or Jay). Racing is still held in esteem--visiting clubs love the early-season gate training at Mont Sainte-AnneExternal Link Title; Le Massif trucked enough fill to raise its summit high enough for FIS speed-event homologation. And yet the Qu?becois were early adopters and innovators of park skiing.

Photo: Tremblant

Just north of Montr?alExternal Link Title, the sound of English fades and the Laurentians rise in a chain of resorts--a dozen or so in less than 50 kilometres--and charming, slopeside villages, with crown-jewel TremblantExternal Link Title at the end. This is the cradle of Canadian skiing, and history abounds, from Jackrabbit Johannsen to Fred Pabst. Montr?alers have been skiing here since the '30s, so they've had lots of practice getting the whole apr?s-ski thing perfected. It shows. At places like Sommet Saint-SauveurExternal Link Title (less than an hour from Montr?alExternal Link Title and home to some of the best night skiing in Canada), Mont Blanc (perfect for families), and of course TremblantExternal Link Title, you can expect every amenity, not to mention every kind of non-skiing activity.

From Montr?alExternal Link Title, follow the left bank of the widening St. Lawrence River northward, downstream, to ancient Qu?bec CityExternal Link Title and its trio of quintessentially Qu?becois resorts. Now you're in the heart of QuebecExternal Link Title. The 400-year-old fortress city, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is as provincial as Montr?alExternal Link Title is cosmopolitan, and all the richer for it. Your dedication to skiing will be challenged by the great food and fascinating history, but the slopes nearby never disappoint. Close by are Mont-Sainte-AnneExternal Link Title, the early-season race factory, and Stoneham, the freestyle hotbed that gave the world JP Auclair and the Canadian Air Force. A little farther downstream is one of the East's most extraordinary resorts. At Le Massif, where you park up top and descend 2,500+ vertical feet of shockingly good terrain toward the shore, the St. Lawrence, 10 miles wide, is a constant companion. Skiing in full view of ocean-going tankers and freighters leaves a lasting impression of your QuebecExternal Link Title ski safari. To go with the extra couple of pounds.

Photo: Jean Sébastien Chartier-Plante

Sleep: TremblantExternal Link Title abounds with four-star accommodations, including the FairmontExternal Link Title and the WestinExternal Link Title. In the Townships, look for rustic auberge with an ambitious chef, like Manoir HoveyExternal Link Title in North Hatley. In Qu?bec CityExternal Link Title, it's hard to decide between the majestic Le Ch?teau FrontenacExternal Link Title or a hotel with a view of it.

Eat: Every restaurant, bistro, microbrewery, and ski lodge will blow your mind. Make time for food shops, too; even the supermarkets are exciting.

Apr?s: The Qu?becois correctly view skiing as an excuse to apr?s, so options abound. The party at TremblantExternal Link Title makes Killington look like church camp, as you'll see most evenings at, say, Le P'tit CaribouExternal Link Title. In the Townships, the Sutton's Bar Le Tucker is a lively favorite for good old boots-on conviviality with fellow skiers. Qu?bec CityExternal Link Title is just the world's most interesting ski town.

Don't miss: It's QuebecExternal Link Title--if you bring skates, you'll find ice, maybe even a pick-up game. In Qu?bec CityExternal Link Title, you can skate the historic Plains of Abraham battlefield. At Domaine de la For?t Perdue, between Montr?alExternal Link Title and Qu?bec CityExternal Link Title, you can zoom through the woods on glass-smooth paths.

Getting There

A trip to Quebec feels very much like going to a different and exotic country in the best way possible.