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Discover the secrets of the Northwest Territories' Great Lakes

Great Slave Lake Yellowknife

Discover the secrets of the Northwest Territories' Great Lakes

Lean in close. We have a secret to share.


It's about two kingdoms of water.

Liquid infinities.

Quenching a primal thirst.


From them, everything flows: Food. Weather. Journeys. Stories.


And when you finally stand on their shore,

and let their power wash over you,

you'll know you've reached the source.


So if you promise not to tell, we'll let you in on our secret.


Here are 13 thrilling reasons why Great Slave and Great Bear lakes are Canada's best-kept secret:


Secret 1

Great Bear is the largest lake in Canada, and the eighth largest on Earth. It has a surface area of 12,028 square miles – bigger than Belgium. It contains enough water to fill more than one billion Olympic-sized swimming pools. And its shoreline stretches 1,689 miles. That’s the distance from Montreal to Miami, meaning there's plenty of pretty waterfront on which to pitch your tent.  


Secret 2

The bottom of Great Bear is 1,463 feet down - deeper than Lake Superior. But it's just a puddle compared to its abyssal brother, Great Slave. Not far offshore from the town of Lutselk'eExternal Link Title, an underwater canyon in Great Slave's Christie Bay plunges a quarter of a mile below the surface. That's deep enough to submerge the CN Tower. No one quite knows what carved the canyon (glacial action? a continental rift?), nor exactly how far down it goes. The official figure is 2,014 feet, but recent bathymetric studies suggest certain pockets descend many dozens of feet deeper.


Secret 3

Here be monsters. Great Slave is crawling with huge trout and pikeExternal Link Title, but if you want to be in the record books, push further north to Great Bear. That's where, in 1991, Lloyd Bull reeled in the world's biggest sport-caught laker: a 72-pound behemoth. Even larger Great Bear trout are out there. In 2009, a local subsistence fisherman netted a confirmed 84-pounder, and stories abound of fish as long as a man.


Secret 4

The Northwest Territories is the best place on Earth to watch the Northern Lights. And the best Northern Lights of all are viewed from out on Great Slave Lake. Sign up for an Aurora tour by boat in late summer or by dog sled or snowmobile in winter. Your guides will take you onto the big lake, far from the bright glare of town, where you'll have a front row seat at nature's own lightshow, shimmying from horizon to horizon.


Secret 5

Scenic waterside towns dot the shores of Great Slave. In Hay River,External Link Title the North's commercial fishing and barge fleets ply the sandy waterfront. In Lutselk'eExternal Link Title, Chipewyan hunters, anglers, and fishing guides draw sustenance from the deep.  In Fort ResolutionExternal Link Title, historic buildings gaze over the lake, harkening back to the days when the town was the North's trading epicentre. In YellowknifeExternal Link Title, modern skyscrapers loom above the waves. And up on Great Bear, there's just one town - deeply traditional D?l?neExternal Link Title, where locals see it as their sacred duty to protect these pristine waters.


Secret 6

Meaning "Land of the Ancestors," Thaidene N?n?External Link Title is a park-in-waiting, slated for federal and territorial protection in the next few years. The park will guard the glorious East Arm of Great Slave Lake - 10,424 square miles of spectacular and pristine waterways, forests, and Canadian Shield.


Secret 7

Great Slave and Great Bear are a paddlingExternal Link Title paradise. On Great Slave, the North Arm beckons with aquamarine waters and a million islands, while the East ArmExternal Link Title is legendary among kayakers for its dramatic cliffs, big fish, and beautiful bays. Paddlers are more rare on Great Bear, but remarkable journeys are available -- for example, from D?l?neExternal Link Title to the mountains of Saoy?-?ehdacho National Historic SiteExternal Link Title.


Secret 8

By far the busiest frozen freewayExternal Link Title in the Northwest Territories is the route from YellowknifeExternal Link Title across the bay to Dettah. It opens in December when the ice is a metre thick. For the next four months the route is busy with drivers, joggers, bikers, skiers, snowmobilers, and, at night, aurora-viewers.


Secret 9

The water ain't warm, but the glittering beaches of Great Bear and Great Slave are still soothing to the soul. The easiest beachExternal Link Title to access is the big one in front of Hay RiverExternal Link Title. Indeed, the Hay River Territorial ParkExternal Link Title campground is right on the shore, offering endless hours of sandy fun - and maybe a brisk dip if you dare.


Secret 10

Big beastsExternal Link Title abound here. The hardy Bathurst caribou herd winters north, east, and sometimes south of Great Slave Lake, before departing for the Barrenlands in spring. And along the lake's western shores, the Mackenzie Bison Sanctuary protects the world's largest wood bison herd. Up on Great Bear, caribou are equally common. Muskoxen, too, can sometimes be seen on the lakeshores, along with moose, black bears, and grizzlies.


Secret 11

If you're a sailor or pleasure boaterExternal Link Title, you'll be in good company on Great Slave Lake. Sailboats ride the breezes of Yellowknife Bay nearly every evening of summer. Intrepid sailors and boaters often head farther afield: to the glorious cliff-flanked East ArmExternal Link Title, eastward to the ivory sands of Whitebeach Point, or even out into the big blue "basin," far beyond sight of shore. Boat rental opportunities abound.


Secret 12

The frozen surface of Great Bear Lake is the place where hockey was born. The earliest-ever reference to the game was made in the journals of Sir John Franklin, who wintered in D?l?neExternal Link Title in the mid-1820s. Writing home to Britain, Franklin noted that his men were playing "hockey on the ice" to keep their spirits up. Nowadays, winter visitors can recreate that original game of shinny: the lake is frozen at least eight months a year.   


Secret 13

Would you believe that four festivals happen on Great Slave Lake? Not on the lakeshore - we mean right on the surface of the lake itself. The SnowKing Winter FestivalExternal Link Title, the Long John JamboreeExternal Link Title, the Dog Island Floating Film Festival, and, at the mouth of the Hay River, the Polar Pond Hockey TournamentExternal Link Title. Between them all, you'll never want to return to dry land. 


Want to learn a few more Northern Canadian secrets? Visit the Spectacular Northwest Territories website.